Steadfastly practicing value investing, Chongyang Investment firmly believes that value investing can achieve the best long-term, risk-adjusted returns. Moreover, Chongyang Investment believes that team’s capacity can only be enhanced through a sustained, long-term adherence to fundamental research. In formulating investment strategy, Chongyang Investment adopts the following approach: top-down asset class allocation based on forward-looking macro-economic analysis and bottom-up investment idea generation based on in-depth company and industry research. Lastly, results from top-down and bottom-up research should be consistent for a valid investment strategy. In making investment decisions, Chongyang Investment places highest priority on risk control and loss prevention, while trying to achieve profitability and liquidity. Chongyang Investment proactively adjusts stock positions and uses flexible hedging strategies to control the volatility and maximum drawdown of our funds with the objective of achieving superior long-term absolute return.
Compliance & Risk Management
Chongyang Investment believes that compliance & risk management, as an integral part of our business operations, should be strictly implemented throughout every step of the investment and research process, both ex ante and ex post with particular emphasis on the former..
